Robert Sapolsky on the Uniqueness of Humans

January 20, 2010 by · 1 Comment 

Been following Robert’s research for a few years, offering applicable insights into our nature as a species. Sapolsky speaks about the uniqueness of humans in relation to the rest of the animal world, topics include aggression, theory of mind, the golden rule, and desire. (37 min)

About George Canciani
Designing Whole Systems Frameworks for Sustainable Living. Disruption Catalyst, Interaction Designer, Visual Synthesizer, Awareness Strategist: Digital Marketing, Sensory Perception Strategy, Cultural Aesthetics.


One Response to “Robert Sapolsky on the Uniqueness of Humans”
  1. John Bennetts says:

    Excellent talk. Completely absorbing. His examples of our behavioural links with the rest of the animal kingdom enable him to point up the differences, and the potential which arises from them.